Irvin & Jorene Cauthen Fund making huge impact for MADD SC
As MADD South Carolina rolls into 2022 with great determination to lower our state’s terrible traffic fatality numbers, our work is boosted considerably by our Statewide Sponsor, the Irvin & Jorene Cauthen Fund. “Statewide Sponsor” is our highest support level, and the Cauthen Fund continues to ensure that our capacity is solid and even growing as the need for our work is as high as ever.
The support from the Cauthen fund comes in partnership with the Foothills Community Foundation. You can read more about the life and legacy of Irvin and Jorene here on the Foundation’s website.
All of us at MADD SC give our most heartfelt thanks to the Cauthen family. Through the pandemic times and a 2021 that saw the most traffic fatalities in our state’s history, the support of the Cauthen Fund has already been instrumental in ensuring we stay strong in the fight and achieve great new things in the year ahead.