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Strike Out Drunk Driving Bowling Tournament

Sat, November 10th, 1:00PM

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  • Cost: USD30

Mothers Against Drunk Driving of Rhode Island and community partners such as the RI State Police, Municipal Law Enforcement Leaders, Traffic Safety Advocates, and young people and their families join forces to kick off the each holiday crackdown on drunk driving with a message of deterrence for drivers across RI.  MADD RI hosts a bowling tournament to coincide with our Red Ribbon Campaign in November with family, friends, and partners, which continues to support MADD’s ongoing efforts to serve victim families and educate young people and their families. The event has been coined “STRIKE OUT DRUNK DRIVING” since that is the truth within MADD’s mission.

The bowling tournament requires participants to create teams of four or five players to compete and are treated to the program, food, beverages and desserts. The family tournament is held Saturday, November 10, at East Providence Lanes.

Register at the web site listed above or here: http://bit.ly/2MaKDlg

Raise funds for your team by accepting challenges from friends and community members. Prizes will be awarded.