MADD National President Colleen Sheehey-Church will be speaking at MADD Rhode Island’s legislative press event at the State House to announce its legislative initiatives in Rhode Island for 2018 and beyond on March 20 at 3 p.m. in the State House Rotunda.
The media and the public are invited to attend. Representatives of the organization, drunk driving victims, a representative from the Attorney General’s office, community leaders and some of MADD’s community partners will be speaking briefly about the importance of the initiatives.
Some of the legislation being highlighted are those sponsored by the Attorney General’s Office, as well as increasing penalties for Child Endangerment as it pertains to DUI. Other legislative initiatives being advocated are those in line with the planks of MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving including enhancing Ignition Interlock laws in the Ocean State, Sobriety Checkpoints and Administrative License Revocation.