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Statewide Ohio Walk Like MADD Event-August 29th

Sat, August 29th, 9:00AM


4675 Cosgray Rd
Hilliard 43026 United States

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  • Cost: $25.00



Walk Like MADD is MADD’s signature fundraising event to help us raise both awareness and funds to end drunk driving and fight drugged driving.  Last year, tens of thousands of people in over 90 cities across the nation participated, and together, we raised over 3 million dollars to provide our programs and services at no cost. With every step taken and each dollar raised, walkers are supporting MADD’s lifesaving mission to keep our families and communities safe.  Take a stand and find your local event today! 

Please contact our office at 614.885.6233 for any questions about this event or visit our MADD Ohio Facebook page!









  • Cost: $25.00