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Join MADD North Texas for the Salute Our Heroes Luncheon

Wed, July 15th, 11:30AM

Emma Dugas

Omni Hotel Dallas Park West

1590 LBJ Fwy
Dallas 75234 United States

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  • Organizer: Emma Dugas
  • Phone: 214-637-0372
  • Email: emma.dugas@madd.org

MADD North Texas and Take The Wheel Present the Dallas County Law Enforcement Recognition Event

MADD North Texas is seeking nominations from all law enforcement agencies in Dallas County for officers, deputies and troopers who have made a difference in 2019 by going above and beyond in the areas of drunk driving and underage drinking prevention, policy, training or enforcement.  These efforts are making an impact in reducing alcohol-related death and injury on Dallas County roads and MADD wants to honor their hard work.

If you would like to nominate an officer, deputy, trooper and/or judge or prosecutor, please contact Emma Dugas. The deadline to submit nominations is May 15.

Space is limited to attend the luncheon.  Please RSVP to Emma Dugas, Program Specialist at 214-637-0372 x4828 or [email protected].








  • Organizer: Emma Dugas
  • Phone: 214-637-0372
  • Email: emma.dugas@madd.org