2025 Statewide Recognition
Awards Event
The Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Statewide Recognition Awards event highlights individuals and entities that embrace MADD's mission to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking.
Below are award category descriptions – nomination narrative should reflect 2024 statistics, performance, and impact.
Law Enforcement Awards:
OUTSTANDING SERVICE – Peace officers nominated for this award made a difference by going above and beyond in DUI enforcement.
OUTSTANDING ROOKIE – Rookie officers nominated for this award made a difference in 2024 by going above and beyond in DUI enforcement. (*Rookie is defined as an officer with less than one year of service)
OUTSTANDING LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY – Law enforcement agencies nominated for this award made a difference in 2024 by going above and beyond in DUI enforcement.
DRUGGED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT – This award can refer to a law enforcement agency, group, or individual. The nominee(s) made a significant contribution to remove drugged drivers from North Dakota’s roadways.
LEADING FROM THE FRONT – This award recognizes a leader of the command staff who has made impaired driving a focus of his or her department.
K9 EXCELLENCE – This award recognizes a K9 Officer, partner, or duo, who made a difference in 2024 by going above and beyond in DUI enforcement.
TOP DUI ENFORCER PINS – Bronze (25-49 DUI Arrests), Silver (50-99 DUI Arrests), Gold (100-149 DUI Arrests), Red Medallion (150+ DUI Arrests)
Judiciary Awards:
OUTSTANDING JUDGE – Judges nominated for this award will have shown their dedication to working in the areas of DUI, education, prevention, or innovation to reduce drunk and impaired driving.
OUTSTANDING PROSECUTOR – Prosecutors nominated for this award show their dedication to saving lives on North Dakota’s roadways through their prosecution of impaired drivers.
PROBATION OF THE YEAR – Probation Officers nominated for this award show their dedication to saving lives on North Dakota’s roadways and fighting impaired driving through their work in the areas of education, prevention, and/or policy.
First Responder Awards:
OUTSTANDING FIRST RESPONDER – Non-peace officers (such as EMTs or firefighters) who have made a difference in the last year by going above and beyond in the area(s) of education, prevention, outreach, or victim support, and whose efforts are making an impact in reducing alcohol-related deaths and injuries on North Dakota’s roads.
OUTSTANDING RADIO COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR – Operators nominated for this award show their dedication to saving lives on North Dakota’s roadways in their partnership with law enforcement officials, first responders, and community members by responding to, and directing, personnel on traffic stops, arrests, and crashes as they occur.
Victim Services Awards:
VICTIM SERVICES AWARD – Victim service providers nominated for this award show their dedication to supporting MADD’s mission of supporting victims/survivors of impaired driving crashes.
Public Policy Awards:
POLICY SETTER – Individuals and/or agencies nominated for this award show dedication to working to save lives on North Dakota’s roadways by reducing impaired driving through their efforts to set policy regarding DUI issues, special work on victim issues, legislation issues, support of MADD Victim Impact Panels, and/or underage drinking initiatives.
PUBLIC SAFETY CHAMPION – Individuals and/or non-law enforcement entities (e.g. parole officers, traffic safety professionals, government agencies, etc.) nominated for this award will have shown through their day-to-day activities their dedication to reducing impaired driving or underage drinking.
Media Awards:
MEDIA MAKING A DIFFERENCE – Media outlets, or individuals including print, online, radio, and television, who are nominated for this award show their dedication to furthering the conversation on MADD’s mission-related topics.
Youth/Underage Drinking Prevention Awards:
OUTSTANDING SCHOOL OFFICER – Officers nominated for this award displayed their dedication to working in the areas of underage drinking prevention, exhibiting innovation in their work.
TEEN INFLUENCERS – Students or student groups who have demonstrated commitment to underage drinking prevention.
YOUTH PREVENTION AWARD – This award focuses on individuals or agencies who worked in 2024 to implement youth prevention strategies in their schools, communities, and/or other program areas.
Recreational Vehicle Safety Awards:
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SAFETY – This award recognizes a law enforcement agency, group, individual, or community partner(s). The nominee(s) made a significant contribution in 2024 to reduce recreational vehicle alcohol and/or drug impaired operation.