Annual NYS Law Enforcement Recognition Event

Our Partner Organizations


The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) coordinates traffic safety activities in the state and shares useful, timely information about traffic safety and the state’s highway safety grant program.

The Committee is comprised of thirteen agencies who have missions related to transportation and safety. The GTSC is chaired by the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles and acts as the state’s official liaison with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The mission of New York’s STOP-DWI program is to empower and coordinate local efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug-related traffic crashes within the context of a comprehensive and financially self-sustaining statewide alcohol and highway safety program.

The program’s goal is to achieve these reductions through the creation and funding of programs relating to enforcement, prosecution, probation, rehabilitation, public information, education and administration.


Make A Submission


The 2023 Calendar Year submission period has closed. To be added to the email list or should you have any questions, please contact Regional Program Director Isai Fuentes: [email protected] or 631-547-6233 ext. 3663.
We support YOU & we thank YOU, our heroes that keep our communities’ safe year-round.