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MADD Nebraska Hero Awards Nomination Categories

MADD Nebraska is honored to recognize individuals and agencies doing outstanding work in their daily lives to help promote MADD’s mission to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these crimes and prevent underage drinking.

The online nomination form is available here.

The following list includes detailed information on each of the nomination categories.

Law Enforcement Awards:

  • Adult DWI/DUI Enforcement – Individual/Team: Individuals or teams who have done outstanding work in the enforcement of DWI/DUI in their area. Not only demonstrating high arrest numbers but also acting as leaders and motivators to their teams to help make an impact on reducing alcohol-related death and injury on Nebraska’s roads.
  • MIP Enforcement – Individual/Team: Individuals/Agencies or Teams who have gone above and beyond in the area of MIP enforcement, seeking out ways to keep our state’s youth from drinking underage.
  • Drug Recognition Expert – Individual: This award will be given to a trained Drug Recognition Expert whose skills have helped to take substance-impaired drivers off the roadways in Nebraska.
  • Traffic Enforcement Mobilization – Team: Those nominated for this award should have conducted a successful traffic enforcement mobilization during 2022. Teams or agencies should have gone above and beyond to create awareness surrounding a high-visibility type enforcement effort and seen successful arrest rates during their enforcement time frame.
  • Education & Awareness – Individual/Team: Nominees for this award need to demonstrate an effort to educate their community members and raise awareness in the areas of impaired driving or underage drinking. They should have a passion for making their community safer and helping promote the MADD mission in their area through their work.
  • Outstanding Victim Services: This special award is nominated by a family who has been victimized by substance-impaired driving. The award recognizes the work of a law enforcement officer and/or agency who went above and beyond to work with the family during the aftermath of the crash.
  • Crash Reconstruction/Investigation: This award is reserved for the special group that investigates crashes. Nominees in this category should either have shown excellent work in reconstruction/investigation over time or used their skills to ensure the best possible outcome in an alcohol or drug-related crash in the past year.

Community Partner Awards:

  • Probation – Individual/Team: Officers who have done outstanding work in the prevention or reduction in recidivism relating to DWI/DUI and/or individuals who are making eliminating impaired driving from their roadways a priority. The nominee should have a passion for making their community safer and helping promote the MADD mission in their area through their work.
  • Prosecutor – Individual/Team: Prosecutors nominated for this award will have shown their dedication to working to save lives on Nebraska’s roadways through their prosecution of impaired drivers. Those nominated should either work to provide services to victims that go above and beyond the normal requirements of their position or through their dedication to working the areas of DWI/DUI case prosecution, education, prevention, or innovation to reduce impaired driving.
  • Education & Awareness – Individual/Team: This award is designed to recognize a community member working to fight against impaired driving and underage drinking. This person should have a proven track record of working to educate and raise awareness in their community and going above and beyond to drive down impaired driving or underage drinking numbers in their community.
  • MADD Volunteer Award – Individual/Team: This award will recognize the hard work and time dedication of a Nebraska MADD Volunteer whose efforts throughout the year showed a true passion for the MADD mission and dedicated their time to create change in their area.

If you would like to submit a MADD Hero Award Nomination for the January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 time frame you can do so online, here. If you would like to request a paper nomination form, please call (402) 434-5330.