From Here to There, You Can Volunteer

“I want to do something to help”
It is one of the comments we hear all of the time. At speaking events, in emails or on the phone. People care about the MADD mission, but just don’t know what to do. That is where we come in. We have so many ways for people to get involved here at MADD Nebraska. On top of that, many of them can be done from wherever you are. You don’t have to live in Lincoln to come into the state office to get involved, you can volunteer right from your home. How? There are a few different ways to make a difference no matter where you are.
Do you love to chat? You can volunteer to make phone calls and ask for donations for MADD events. Whether finding area car dealerships willing to partner with us to promote Tie One On For Safety or asking your local coffee shop for a gift card for a Walk Like MADD prize. We can always use support connecting with companies across the state to build MADD’s programs and presence in the community.
Are you the best at Google? If you are the person who always ends up finding the answer on google, we can use your help! From keeping up on local news to find crashes involving alcohol or drugs to helping us find information to connect with local media or organizations to spread MADD’s mission.
Have you been impacted by impaired driving? Consider becoming a peer to peer supporter. All you need is to be able to listen and understand. Sometimes being able to talk with someone else who has been there is incredibly healing, peer to peer supporters offer just that, someone to talk to who has been there.
Passionate about Changing Laws? You can call or email your local senator to tell them how important impaired driving legislation is. Sign up for legislative alerts on our webpage to stay up to date on what is happening in Nebraska and across the nation when it comes to impaired driving legislation.
If you are wanting to volunteer and get out and about you can volunteer as a court monitor or get involved with our Victim Impact Panel program. Both programs work in communities across the state to make a difference.
Do you have some other amazing skill you think would help MADD? Let us know and we can work together to find a volunteer role that uses it! In some states, crafty scrapbookers help make cards for victims. In other states, volunteers plan and organize fundraising events in their area each year. No matter what your skill is, we can find a way to bring it together with your passion for the MADD mission.
So are you ready to do something to help? Reach out to us at the MADD State Office (402) 434-5330 or email [email protected] to get a copy of the volunteer application and start the process today! We would love to have your support for the MADD mission, a few hours a year or a few hours a week, time spent volunteering with MADD helps bring us one step closer to a future with No More Victims.