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Walk Like MADD/MADD Dash 5k

Sun, October 21st, 1:30PM

Sara Draper

holmes lake lincoln ne

70th & Van Dorn
Lincoln United States

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Walk Like MADD/MADD Dash 5k is our signature fundraising event to help us raise both awareness and funds to eliminate drunk driving and fight drugged driving.

Funds raised through the event allow MADD staff and volunteers in our state to provide emotional support that may be needed following an impaired driving crash, conduct awareness and research-based prevention programs to end drunk driving, drugged driving, and underage drinking, and support the heroes in law enforcement who work to keep our roads safe.

You can register to join us in person or as a virtual walker/runner at https://www.walklikemadd.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=894