Underage Prevention

But those numbers aren’t just because of drinking and driving.  Approximately 68% of these deaths are due to incidents other than traffic-related fatalities, such as alcohol poisoning, falls, and suicide.  In addition, teens who engage in underage drinking and drug use are at a higher risk for other dangers such as date rape and acts of violence.  MADD offers researched-based programs to help families protect our kids and communities.


Here at MADD Indiana we strive to make sure many students hear, first-hand, about the dangers of alcohol from victims who share their stories of injury and loss, while empowering them to take a stand against underage drinking.  We also provide them with encouragement and practical tips for how to withstand peer pressure and make wise choices through our Power of You(th) program.


In addition, MADD offers Power of Parents workshops to help parents understand the dangers of underage drinking and to provide them with tools to effectively communicate these dangers and their concerns to their children.  We offer parents successful techniques and resources that can help them have more productive discussions about expectations and consequences, but more importantly, open up a life-saving dialogue with their kids about alcohol and drugs.

Parent Resources

  1. Click here if you would be interested in organizing a Power of Parents workshop locally.
  2. Has your family had an underage drinking incident that caused the death or injury of a loved one?  MADD wants to help with free victims’ services.
  3. Additonal Online Resources and Information on Underage Drinking Prevention – A wide variety of general information along with links to parent, community, and school resources are available on our MADD National Website.

School/Community Resources

  1. Click here if you would like to request a MADD speaker to come to your school.
  2. Click here if you would be interested in hosting a local Power of Parents workshop.
  3. Additional Online Resources are available on our MADD National Website including Educator and Community Resource toolkits

Student Resources

  1. Learn the facts.  It’s dangerous for a LOT of reasons to drink before you’re 21.  Click here to find out more.
  2. Peer pressure is tough.  But the truth is 3 out of 4 teens DON’T drink!  YOU can be a leader and let others know it’s ok to say no!  We’ve got tools here to help you and your friends use the Power of You(th) to take a stand!
  3. You can also get involved with local groups at your school like SADD.  We partner with them in a lot of ways to help teens with issues regarding underage drinking prevention.