Underage Drinking Prevention Program

With science-based and data-backed curriculum from MADD National, MADD Hawaii is gearing up to present both its Power of YOUth and Power of Parents programs. Initially, we will focus on Oahu, but look forward to taking the program to the neighboring islands as soon as possible. Our program/s targets middle and high school age and parents of teens.

Power of YOUth is a component of MADD’s underage prevention strategy and highlights the power youth have to influence the decisions of their peers in a positive way. This program works directly with teens to encourage them to make healthy choices and to set a positive example for their friends. When activated around the Power of Parent’s, the two programs work to provide consistent and frequent encouragement to teens to make healthy choices for themselves.

Power of Parents – Parents are the leading influence on teens’ decisions about drinking. The goals of MADD’s parent program are to influence parental communication to prevent underage drinking, maintain the 21 minimum drinking age law in all 50 states, and engage new supporters to carry on MADD’s lifesaving work.
To help get the word out about our programs we participated in the HIDOE Traffic Safety Fair and Operation Driver Excellence. Theresa Paulette and Kim Isaak spent the morning taking pledges from soon-to-be teen drivers. They pledged that 1. will not use alcohol or marijuana before they are 21, 2. will not get in a vehicle with anyone who has been using alcohol or marijuana or other drugs and 3. will call a trusted adult if they are in an uncomfortable or unsafe situation and need a ride home.

Mahalo to the Hawaii Department of Education, DTRIC Insurance, and Par Hawaii for sponsoring this important community event. Mahalo DTRIC Insurance for sharing your photos for this article. Please contact us to discuss any programs that will work well for you and the youth or adults you work with. Contact Kim Isaak, Program Specialist at this email. [email protected]