Red Ribbon Campaign

For 28 years, MADD Hawaii has conducted a campaign to caution the public about the increased danger of drinking and driving during the holiday season. This awareness effort has always involved distributing red ribbons to be attached to drivers’ vehicles as a pledge to drive sober and buckled up all during the season and the coming year. MADD stresses the importance of planning ahead to have a designated driver before going off to holiday parties or other events. UBER ride sharing company and the law firm of Leavitt, Yamane, & Soldner were the official sponsors of the 2017 campaign, called “TOOFS” – Tie One on for Safety!
The kick-off to the campaign was held in Tamarind Park on November 16th. Board Chair, Theresa Paulette, acted as the MC and iHeart Radio was on the scene to give the event great energy. Honolulu Police Department’s new Chief, Susan Ballard, accompanied by a large contingent of Traffic Division officers, tied a red ribbon on an HPD solo bike to kick-off the program. An added attraction this year was a popular stand where delicious “cocktails” were being blended up by “bartenders” from DTRIC Insurance, which acted as a partner for the 2017 TOOFS Kick-off Event.
• Mahalo to ribbon distribution sites: Foodland Stores, Napa Auto Parts Hawaii, Hele stations, Aloha Island Marts, and Zippy’s restaurants in Honolulu
• MADD’s appreciation to the ribbon folding volunteer groups: Parsons Transportation Group, Arcadia Day Care at Central Union Church, Arcadia Retirement Residence (Punahou), 15 Craigside Retirement Residence, Kahala Nui, Risk Solution Partners, and several individuals.