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Honolulu Walk Like MADD 2018

Sat, September 15th, 6:30AM

MADD Hawaii


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  • Organizer: MADD Hawaii
  • Phone: 808-532-6232
  • Email: hi.state@madd.org
  • Website: www.madd.org/hawaii
  • Cost: $25


MADD Hawaii has scheduled its 7thannual signature walk on Saturday, September 15, 2018 at the Ala Moana Center. Walk Like MADD is a non-competitive 5K Walk.

WALK LIKE MADD is your chance to do something about drunk driving in our community. This year, thousands of people in over 60 cities around the nation will participate in 5k events to eliminate drunk driving from our roadways.

You can help MADD eliminate drunk driving by signing up for a Walk Like MADD event near you as a walker, team captain, or volunteer. You can even be involved without attending the event by signing up as a virtual walker or making a donation to another walker or team.

Join Us Now!
Visit the Honolulu Walk Like MADD registration page here.

We would love to include your company on our roster of supporting companies this year and we invite your employees to join us at the walk, to form a team and hopefully win some of our great prizes. Please contact Marilyn, the event co-chair at 255-7062 or Kim Coffee-Isaak, the event administrator, at [email protected].

  • Organizer: MADD Hawaii
  • Phone: 808-532-6232
  • Email: hi.state@madd.org
  • Website: www.madd.org/hawaii
  • Cost: $25