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Drugs & Driving – A Call to Action

Thu, October 11th, 7:30AM

Carol McNamee, MADD Hawai Founder

Queen’s Medical Center Conference Center

1301 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu 96813 United States

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  • Organizer: Carol McNamee, MADD Hawai Founder
  • Email: Hi.State@madd.org

WHO:  MADD Hawaii in collaboration with The Queen’s Health Systems, Hawaii Department of Health, Hawaii Department of Transportation and Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawaii.

WHAT:  The Drugs & Driving – A Call to Action conference will focus on education, prevention and collaboration concerning the issue of drug-impaired driving among young adults. MADD Hawaii will bring together stakeholders to address this rapidly growing issue. The conference will provide an opportunity to hear strategies for outreach which have been effective in other states and to develop local community and policy agendas that MADD Hawaii and community coalitions can undertake over the next several years. Emphasis will be placed on how this issue affect youth and young adults (age 16-28) because increasing numbers of young drivers are being injured or killed on our roads.  Drug impaired driving is a more complex issue than alcohol impaired driving. We believe that it is important for all of us in various disciplines to hear the facts from some of the nation’s most knowledgeable resources.

WHEN:  Thursday, October 11, 2018, 7:30 am to 6 pm

WHERE:  Queen’s Conference Center,  1301 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813

WHY: In 2015 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) reported that drugs were present in 43% of Hawaii’s fatally injured drivers, many of whom were teens and young adults. This conference will increase awareness about the problem of driving while under the influence of drugs in Hawaii’s younger population of drivers.

Thanks to the generous support of our community, there is no fee to attend this conference. Morning and afternoon refreshments and lunch will be provided. Space is limited, though, so please register to attend. Please register online here.

PARKING  Parking via valet or in one of the 4 parking garages will be $5 for the day. Click here for a Parking and Walking Map that shows parking garage locations and how to walk to the conference center. The conference center highly recommends you valet park; if you park in a garage plan on a 5-10 minute walk to the conference center. If you valet park your car it will be  $5 with a validation, gratuity will be optional.

CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS  One may receive 7.5 contact hours for full attendance at this conference for the following board certifications from the Hawaii Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division: CSAC, CCJP, CCS, CPS. Please sign in at the beginning of the conference; you will be expected to sign out at the end of the conference to receive your certificate.

The Day’s Agenda

  • Three informative plenary sessions  designed to go from a macro (National) view,  to the local micro view (State).
  • The lunch program will drill down further as we examine the challenges of myth busting and behavior change, particularity in our target age group of 16 to 28.
  • Join conference facilitators and the subject matter experts from the morning presentations to develop an action plan for Hawaii that can be implemented over the next few years
  • We will have morning refreshments, a box lunch to enjoy with attending the noon program and an afternoon pau hana networking reception.

Here is an at-a-glance Agenda_v10.1.18 .Agenda_v10.8.18

Conference Opening and Welcome Remarks Colleen Sheedy-Church the President of MADD National and Carol McNamee a founder of MADD Hawaii will open the event with a “Mission Moment” and information about what to expect for the day.

Setting the Stage – National Landscape  JT Griffin, MADD Public Policy Director, moderates a panel designed to paint a clear picture about the issue of Drugs and Driving from a national perspective. Panelist will bring context to the issue by sharing the latest research and data as well as best practices, lessons learned and recommendations from the different perspectives of law enforcement, policy, judicial system, data, funding, communications and emerging technologies.

  • Staci Hoff, PhD, Research Director, Washington Traffic Safety Commission – Research & Data
  • Chief Robert Ticer, Loveland Police Department, Colorado – Law Enforcement & Training
  • Michael Sandoval, New Mexico Department of Transportation – Communication & Education
  • Moderator: JT Griffin, MADD National, Chief Government Affairs Officer

The Local Scene  The goal of this session is to provide the audience with a “picture” of the current state of drug-impaired driving in Hawaii. Experts from the fields of law enforcement, adjudication, traffic safety, public health and substance abuse, prevention and treatment will share their experiences and expertise with drugs and driving. Information and recommendations from the panel discussions will be used during the afternoon group activities to develop and enhance strategies to address this growing problem. Kurt Kendro, retired Major with the Honolulu Police Department and MADD Hawaii Advisory Board member, will serve as moderator.

  • Brian Bonifant,  Special Agent in Charge, Drug Enforcement Agency – Drugs in Hawaii 
  • Dan Galanis, PhD, Epidemiologist, Hawaii Department of Health, Injury Prevention and Control Program – Drug & Public Health Statistics
  • Captain Benjamin Moszkowicz, Honolulu Police Department – Law Enforcement & Training
  • Justin Kollar, Prosecuting Attorney, Kauai – The Law & Court System
  • Edward Mersereau, LCSW, CSAC, Chief, Hawaii Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division – Treatment, Prevention & Medical Marijuana
  • Anthony Mendez, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor – Impact on Youth & Young Adults
  • Moderator: Kurt Kendro, retired Major with the Honolulu Police Department and MADD Hawaii Advisory Board member

Inspiring Youth Engagement  Attend our Inspiring Youth Engagement lunchtime panel and hear directly from those highly affected by drug-impaired driving: young adult drivers. On the panel are four MADD Hawaii youth ambassadors who have led the charge on our Drive High. Get a DUI. social media campaign. Hear from our target audience the effect of peer-to-peer campaigns as well as how to reach their demographic to activate participation in important causes. A box lunch will be provided to enjoy during this presentation.

  • Youth and Young Adult Ambassadors from Kamehameha Schools & Hawaii Pacific University
  • Moderator: Sitarani Crevier, Senior Director at The Bennet Group

The Afternoon Facilitated Sessions, where we collectively develop an action-item agenda, will be followed by a Call to Action and a networking pau hana reception. Linda Colburn and Elizabeth Kent will be our facilitators. The conference will be over by 5:00 pm.

If you have any questions about the event please contact us at [email protected].

  • Organizer: Carol McNamee, MADD Hawai Founder
  • Email: Hi.State@madd.org