Golden Shield Honors | Call for Nominations
Award Categories
Nominations for the 20th Annual Golden Shield Honor Awards will be accepted to recognize those who enforced excellence across Georgia in calendar year 2023. Please apply online at by Friday, April 19, 2024, 11:59 PM. EST.
Given expressed concern from many officers and agencies regarding the accuracy of reporting DUI numbers in the application process, confirmation from a supervisor will be required in order for your nomination to be accepted this year. Upon submission of your entry, the supervisor will be sent an email via Docusign to confirm the number of DUI arrests. Please note, the entry is not complete until the number of DUI arrests have been confirmed by the supervisor. We encourage nominees to follow-up with their supervisor to insure this step is completed. If not received, please double check the correct email has been provided, as well as spam and junk mail folders.
MADD Georgia DUI Achievement: Awarded to qualified officers who have made DUI arrests in the past year. Awards are as follows: CERTIFICATE: less than 25 DUI arrests, BRONZE: 25-49 DUI arrests, SILVER: 50-99 DUI arrests, GOLD: 100-149 DUI arrests, RED: 150+ DUI arrests. Complete the top part of Officer Nomination ONLY. No letter of support necessary. **Supervisor confirmation of the number of DUI arrests required.**
MADD Georgia DRE Achievement: Awarded to qualified Drug Recognition Experts who have completed more than 15 evaluations in the past year. Awards are as follows: RED: 15-24 evaluations, WHITE: 25-49 evaluations, BLUE: 50-99 evaluations, GOLD: 100+ evaluations. Nominations for this award are accepted through DRE State Coordinator. No letter of support necessary.
Officer DUI HERO: Awarded to officer with highest total of DUI arrests in each agency category. Complete the top part of Officer Nomination ONLY. No letter of support necessary. First, second, and third place will be awarded. **Supervisor confirmation of the number of DUI arrests required.**
Statewide Officer of the Year: Awarded to a state trooper, officer or deputy in good standing with their agency who has excelled in many areas, which might include but are not limited to, DUI arrest, traffic safety, DUI victim services, underage drinking prevention programs, work ethic, etc. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why the nominee should receive this award detailing specific examples and statistics of how the officer has excelled beyond the call of duty.
Statewide Rookie of the Year: Awarded to a state trooper, officer, or deputy in good standing with their agency with less than one year of service who has excelled in many areas, which might include but are not limited to, DUI arrest, traffic safety, DUI victim services, underage drinking prevention programs, work ethic, etc. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why the nominee should receive this award, detailing specific examples and statistics of how the officer has excelled beyond the call of duty.
Statewide K-9 Officer of the Year: Awarded to a K9 officer in good standing with their agency who has excelled in many areas, which might include but are not limited to, use of service dogs to assist in DUI arrest, traffic safety, DUI victim services, underage drinking prevention programs, work ethic, etc. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why the nominee should receive this award, detailing specific examples and statistics of how the officer has excelled beyond the call of duty.
Agency DUI HERO: Awarded to the agency with highest total of DUI arrests in each agency category. Complete the top part of Agency Nomination ONLY. No letter of support necessary. First, second, and third place will be awarded.
Statewide Agency of the Year: Awarded to a Law Enforcement Agency that has demonstrated excellence in implementing innovative techniques in the detection and deterrence of traffic violations, DUI, and underage drinking prevention. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why this agency should receive this award, including any supporting statistics.
Statewide Post of the Year: Awarded to a Georgia State Patrol Post that has demonstrated excellence in implementing innovative techniques in the detection and deterrence of traffic violations, DUI, and underage drinking prevention. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why this post should receive this award.
H.E.A.T. Unit/ DUI Task Force of the Year: Awarded to a H.E.A.T. unit that has demonstrated excellence in education and enforcement of drunk driving and aggressive traffic and has been successful in reducing the number of crashes, fatalities and injuries on our highways, and has excelled in many areas, which might include but are not limited to, DUI arrest, deterrence of traffic violations, and underage drinking prevention. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why this agency should receive this award.
Georgia Traffic Enforcement Network Award: Awarded to a Georgia Traffic Enforcement Network that has demonstrated excellence in implementing innovative techniques in the detection and deterrence of DUI, underage drinking prevention, has had high attendance at network meetings, high percentage reporting, number of sobriety check points implemented, participation in statewide collaborations such as OZT. Letter of support required (limit 500 words) outlining why your network should receive this award.
Prosecutor of the Year: Awarded to a courageous prosecuting attorney who has shown excellence in DUI prosecution and assisting law enforcement in the courtroom. Letter of support required (limit 500 words).
Golden Achievement Award: Awarded to a citizen, officer, agency, group or organization with outstanding expertise in the field of traffic safety, DUI prevention, and/or community intervention who made a significant contribution to MADD’s mission and Georgia traffic safety in 2023. Letter of support required (limit 500 words).
Category 1: 1-10 Officers
Category 2: 11-25 Officers
Category 3: 26-50 Officers
Category 4: 51-100 Officers
Category 5:101-250 Officers
Category 6: 251+ Officers
Category 7: Georgia State Patrol Post