2019 GOHS Grants

Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Gives $90,000 to Combat Underage Drinking and Impaired Driving
Phoenix, AZ – Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Arizona has received two grants from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. Jason Frazier, MADD State Executive Director, announced the awards at a State Advisory Board meeting earlier this month. Frazier thanked Director Alberto Gutier and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety for their continued support of MADD and its efforts to reach MADD’s vision of NO MORE VICTIMS™.
The first grant will help fund MADD’s Court Monitoring Program. Court monitoring is an important part of MADD’s work to eliminate drunk driving by acting as a credibility check by observing and documenting what happens during the criminal justice process. Studies have shown that the mere presence of a court monitor in a courtroom has a positive effect on adjudication and sentencing of defendants in a variety of cases. The goals of the court monitoring program are to reduce repeat offenses and create a criminal justice system that is transparent and accountable by promoting public interest in the judicial system, compiling information on how DUI cases are handled, and creating relevant reports and publicizing the results.
The second grant is to promote MADD’s Underage Drinking Prevention programs through the Power of You(th) and Power of Parents programs. Parenting gets more challenging when kids reach adolescence. Teens naturally push their limits, test boundaries, and make choices that baffle and worry parents. Of all the dangers your teen faces, underage drinking is among the worst. Whether teens are experimenting with beer, wine, or other liquor, alcohol presents a serious – and potentially deadly – threat!
The Power of Parents program reminds parents that they are the leading influence in their teen’s lives on whether they use alcohol and other drugs. For youth, the teen years may be a confusing time, but one thing is clear – they are not kids any more. Teens are becoming more mature in many areas of life, learning to make their own decisions. Not all their decisions are as easy as what to wear to school or who to ask to prom. Some of the decisions they make will affect them for the rest of their lives and underage drinking is one of them.
About Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Founded by a mother whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) is the nation’s largest nonprofit working to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these crimes and prevent underage drinking. MADD supports drunk and drugged driving victims and survivors at no charge, through local MADD victim advocates and at 1-877-MADD-HELP. MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving® will end drunk driving through increased law enforcement, all offender ignition interlock laws and advanced vehicle technology. PowerTalk 21® is the national day for parents to talk with their teens about alcohol, using Power of Parents®’ proven approach to reduce underage drinking. Learn more by visiting MADD’s website at madd.org or calling 1-877-ASK-MADD.