- MADD Roll Call Series | MADD Law Enforcement Impaired Driving Roll Call Video Series
- MADD’s 2021 Court Monitoring Report | Effective Court Monitoring
- MADD/Ipsos Poll | Consumers Support Drunk Driving Prevention Systems in Cars
- Drug Impaired Driving Enforcement
Training Opportunities Available | Training in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) and as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) - Drugged Driving | Dangers of Prescription Drug Consumption and Driving
- MADD’s Marijuana Survey Report | Misconceptions about Marijuana Consumption and Driving
- Legislation | Check Out Your State’s Legislature
- NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts | Overview of Motor Vehicle Crashes in 2019
- NHTSA | State Alcohol-Impaired Driving Estimates for 2018
- NHTSA Early Estimates of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities | First Quarter of 2020
- NTHSA RFI | Available or late-stage technology under development for impaired driving detection and mitigation
- TOOFS | MADD and Waymo’s Tie-One-On For Safety Holiday Campaign
- 2021 National Lifesavers Conference | Register
- IACP | Traffic Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic Processing DUIs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considerations for Law Enforcement Safe, Quick Clearance of Traffic Incidents toolkit Policy Framework for Improved Community-Police Engagement
- Warriors’ Ascent | Providing hope and healing to Veterans and First Responders suffering from Post Traumatic Stress
Law Enforcement Support
October 2022 Mission Moment
Deputy Constable Jennifer Chavis
Harris County Constable's Office - Precinct 7, Texas
On April 2, 2022, Harris County Deputy Constable Jennifer Chavis was killed when her patrol car was struck by a drunk driver on Beltway 8 near Fondren Road.
Other drivers had called 911 to report that the driver of a Ford F-550 was possibly drunk and had just fled the scene of another crash. Deputy Chavis positioned her patrol car on the shoulder of Beltway 8 and waited to intercept the vehicle. The vehicle struck the back of her SUV while it was parked on the shoulder, causing it to burst into flames. Several bystanders detained the driver as he attempted to flee the scene. He was charged with felony intoxication manslaughter of a peace officer.
Deputy Constable Chavis was a United States Army veteran who served 1 1/2 years with the Harris County Constable's Office - Precinct 7, assigned to the Toll Road Division. She is survived by her husband, son, and nephew.
On September 21, 2022, the Southwest Toll Plaza in Harris County was renamed the Deputy Constable Jennifer L. Chavis Memorial Building
Law Enforcement and the Safe System Approach
By National Transportation Safety Board Member Tom Chapman
Almost 43,000 deaths occurred on US roadways in 2021, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) preliminary data. That’s a staggering figure we have not seen since 2005. Instead of achieving zero traffic deaths, we are heading in the wrong direction. We must redouble and rethink our efforts to improve road safety. We at the National Transportation Safety Board advocate the Safe System Approach to address this public health crisis on our roads.
With this approach, we seek to eliminate death and serious injury and address road safety as a system, rather than focusing on individuals. The Safe System Approach is built on the following key principles:
- It assumes that humans make mistakes and promotes methods to prevent these mistakes from causing deaths or serious injuries.
- It seeks to accommodate human vulnerabilities by managing kinetic energy, which is directly related to speed.
- It emphasizes shared responsibility among all participants in the system, including road users, engineers, planners, law enforcement officers, and policy makers.
- It highlights the need to be proactive, relying heavily on adequate investigations and high-quality data.
- It stresses that redundancy is crucial in ensuring safety.
The Safe System Approach focuses on five elements – safe users, safe roads, safe vehicles, safe speed, and post-crash care.
In a safe system, we understand that even the most law-abiding road users will sometimes make mistakes. So, we double down on what we know from experience will work—such as well-designed and properly worn seat belts for all seating positions. We promote greater use of vehicle technologies that already exist, such as automatic emergency braking and lane departure technology.
Further, we should accelerate development and adoption of additional advanced driver assistance systems. For instance, NTSB recently recommended that manufacturers accelerate development and prioritize deployment of advanced impaired driving prevention technology and seek innovative ways to adapt existing technologies, such as driver monitoring systems, to combat alcohol-impaired driving. (See our Highway Investigation Report on a tragic crash resulting from alcohol impairment near Avenal, California.)
We know there are road designs that can create a safer environment for vulnerable road users—for example, separated bike lanes and separate traffic signal timing for pedestrians and motor vehicles. Because we know that injury severity is tied to kinetic energy, we need to rethink speed management. Our roadways are overdesigned to accommodate mobility, not safety. It is crucial to move forward using roadway design to better manage drivers’ safe speed and to rethink how speed limits are set.
Key to the Safe System Approach is shared responsibility and redundancy. Traffic safety tools available to us should be used in a comprehensive approach. Along with other methods and strategies, fair enforcement of traffic laws remains an important tool.
There are three areas where the dedication and professionalism of law enforcement are critical. First, high-quality crash investigations are an extremely important tool in a Safe System Approach. NTSB investigations are thorough, comprehensive, and time consuming. Consequently, we are only able to investigate a select few roadway crashes. That is why crash investigations conducted by the law enforcement community are essential. Although not all local crash investigations can be as comprehensive as those of NTSB, there are lessons to be gained from every investigation.
Second, crash data is a vital component in a Safe System Approach. State and local data is rolled up from individual police crash reports and compiled on a national level. Planners and policy makers need timely, complete, and high-quality data to make sound decisions. Good data helps us be more proactive in tackling traffic safety issues.
Third, fair and equitable enforcement of traffic safety laws is one of the many tools in a Safe System Approach. Despite decades of effort, impaired driving, speeding, and distracted driving remain among the greatest challenges to road safety. Appropriate enforcement of traffic safety laws, as part of the Safe System Approach, can increase safety for all road users.
To achieve our goal of zero road deaths, we must adopt a Safe System Approach and a shared responsibility for road safety. Government, auto makers, policy makers, planners, engineers, road users, and law enforcement all have a role to play in a safe system.
About the Author:
Thomas B. Chapman took the oath of office as the 46th Member of the National Transportation Safety Board on January 6, 2020. Member Chapman has spoken extensively on alcohol and drug impairment, rail worker and highway-rail grade crossing safety, and the Safe System Approach to highway traffic safety.
Prior to joining the Board, Member Chapman served six years as minority counsel to the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation & Space. He engaged in a broad range of issues, including the bipartisan effort to pass comprehensive legislation reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration, the Transportation Security Administration, and the NTSB. In total, Member Chapman has four decades of experience in government, legislative, and regulatory affairs in the transportation industry.
October 2022 Officer of the Month
Officer Blake Kelley
Tyler Police Department, Texas
MADD proudly recognizes Officer Blake Kelley of the Tyler Police Department as our Officer of the Month for October 2022. Officer Kelley joined the Tyler Police Department in 2016. He has a passion for traffic safety and impaired driving enforcement.
Officer Kelley dedicates his time to impaired driving enforcement. In 2019, he had 53 impaired driving arrests. In 2020, he was on track to beat the previous year's record but was unable to do so, due to an injury. In 2021, again due the injury, in only six months of enforcement work, he had 28 impaired driving arrests. To date, in 2022 he has 68 arrests.
Officer Kelley has been the recipient of MADD’s Outstanding Service Award for his impaired driving arrests in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
MADD National is proud to recognize Officer Blake Kelley as the October 2022 Officer of the Month. We thank him for his many years of dedicated service to the citizens of Tyler and the State of Texas. We wish him the best in safety and wellness in the remaining years of his career and service to the citizens of Tyler.
Thank you to Kathy Davidson, MADD East Texas Program Specialist, for her nomination of Officer Kelley for this recognition.
Newsletter Archives
MADD extends our deepest condolences to the agencies and families who have lost officers and loved ones in the line of duty
Border Patrol Agent Chris Maland was shot and killed during a traffic stop on Interstate 91near Newport, Vermont, near the Canadian Border at 3:15 p.m. One suspect was shot and killed,... Read More
Sergeant Mark Butler was killed in a head-on collision during a pursuit on Highway 6 near Farm-to-Market 3090 in Navasota. When College Station officers confronted a female suspect attempting to cash... Read More
Deputy Sheriff Jesus Vargas was shot and killed while serving a warrant at Stella Link Road north of Interstate 610 in Houston at 11:30 a.m. When Deputy Vargas and his partner... Read More
Police Officer Colton Pulsipher was killed in a vehicle crash on Interstate 15 while on his way home after completing his shift at 12:25 a.m. While traveling northbound on I-15 near... Read More
K9 Kaya was struck and killed by a passing motorist on SR 303. At 5:35 p.m., K9 Kaya exited the patrol vehicle to stretch his legs in an area west of... Read More
Deputy Sheriff Tim Corlew was killed in a motorcycle crash at 5:30 a.m. on CA 91 east of La Sierra Avenue in Riverside. While traveling westbound in the HOV lane, Deputy... Read More
Lieutenant Mark Meadows was struck and killed by a motorist while directing traffic at Grants Mill Road and Overton Road in Irondale. Shortly before 7:00 a.m., Lieutenant Meadows was putting... Read More
Correction Officer Andy Lansing died after being assaulted by an inmate on Christmas morning around 7:30 a.m. at the Ross Correctional Institution, 16197 State Route 104 in Chillicothe. The inmate went... Read More
Trooper Clay Carns was struck and killed by a passing vehicle on I-55 near Channahon, Illinois. At 9:42 p.m., Trooper Carns was removing debris from the southbound highway north of... Read More
K9 Bumi was shot and killed while apprehending a juvenile fleeing from a stolen car after a short pursuit. At 2:30 a.m., deputies pursued a stolen vehicle with three juveniles... Read More
For a complete listing of Officers lost in the line of duty, please visit: www.odmp.org
Newsletter Archives
- MADD Roll Call Series | MADD Law Enforcement Impaired Driving Roll Call Video Series
- MADD’s 2021 Court Monitoring Report | Effective Court Monitoring
- MADD/Ipsos Poll | Consumers Support Drunk Driving Prevention Systems in Cars
- Drug Impaired Driving Enforcement
Training Opportunities Available | Training in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) and as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) - Drugged Driving | Dangers of Prescription Drug Consumption and Driving
- MADD’s Marijuana Survey Report | Misconceptions about Marijuana Consumption and Driving
- Legislation | New York .05% BAC Vermont .05 Per Se Law Vermont ignition interlocks Vermont advanced technology
- NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts | Overview of Motor Vehicle Crashes in 2019
- NHTSA | State Alcohol-Impaired Driving Estimates for 2018
- NHTSA Early Estimates of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities | First Quarter of 2020
- NTHSA RFI | Available or late-stage technology under development for impaired driving detection and mitigation
- TOOFS | MADD and Waymo’s Tie-One-On For Safety Holiday Campaign
- 2021 National Lifesavers Conference | Register
- IACP | Traffic Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic Processing DUIs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considerations for Law Enforcement Safe, Quick Clearance of Traffic Incidents toolkit Policy Framework for Improved Community-Police Engagement
- Warriors’ Ascent | Providing hope and healing to Veterans and First Responders suffering from Post Traumatic Stress