In Honor Of...

Jenna Mills

My beautiful beloved younger sister, taken too soon as a result of a motorcycle crash. She was truly thee most beautiful person inside and out, would do anything for anything at the drop of a hat. She had a huge love for family (she loved being and aunt x3) , flowers, music and traveling, which she did so often. She was my best friend and the ray of sunshine in our family. She made such an impact on people in her 29 years of life, most were lucky to call her a friend, I was lucky to call her my sister! A love and bond between two sisters was so strong, it’s hard to not have her here with me now. I know she’s looking down smiling with that beautiful smile, in my heart I will keep you close, until we are together again sweet sister. I love you forever and always Jenna Bo Benna!

— Jordyn
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My Name is...

Jenna Mills

— Jordyn